Join our Private Community

Quantum Therapeutix Collective

You are not alone any more. The Quantum Therapeutix Collective is a private community where we can learn together and share with others just like you would on other social media platforms except its private. Those that are enrolled in the C-PTSD program or the training program will have access to each other and your respective course materials. This community is focused on unity and wholeness within oneSelf. Healing from C-PTSD is a climb and you don’t have to do it alone. Here you will be safe, heard and understood. Come learn and explore. Sign up today.

Who gets the “Family”?

Who gets the “Family”?

The complexities of life and the familial consequences that come with childhood sexual abuse extend throughout a survivor’s lifetime. The biggest harm, even in comparison to the actual transgression, is often the response from the Family– and what they choose to do...

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Do you feel Stretched too Thin?

Do you feel Stretched too Thin?

Could Dissociation be the answer?   In the world of psychiatry dissociation means the “separation of normally related mental processes, resulting in one group functioning independently from the rest, leading in extreme cases to disorders such as multiple...

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It only takes 15 minutes to get started. Schedule a call today and start your journey!